Drawing on the cult of “preppers” (individuals and groups prepping for survival in scenarios of catastrophe and civil collapse), Kostis Stafylakis, Theo Triantafyllidis and Alexis Fidetzis use role play to develop a set of characters for “Readiness,” an immersive work that seeks to dissect the apocalyptic fantasies of preparedness. “Readiness” unfolds in the form of an online epic battle between a group of preppers and the Golden Horde, the rampant mass of the ‘unprepared’, in preppers’ patriotic jargon and literature.
Using a tabletop play structure that extends to domestic environments, the artists produce a livestream that interacts with the YouTube audience via YouTube comments and live chatbox. In a play mode, these characters will share notes on readiness, suggest strategies of survival, and develop a sensual lexicon for our on-going confinement.